
nestcheck is compatible with Python 2.7 and >=3.4, and can be installed with pip:

pip install nestcheck

Alternatively, you can download the latest version and install it by cloning the github repository:

git clone
cd nestcheck
python install

Note that the github repository may include new changes which have not yet been released on PyPI (and therefore will not be included if installing with pip). Both of these methods also automatically install any of nestcheck’s dependencies which are not already satisfied by your system.


nestcheck requires:

  • numpy >=1.13;

  • scipy >=1.0.0;

  • matplotlib >=2.1.0;

  • fgivenx >=2.1.11;

  • pandas >=0.21.0;

  • tqdm >=4.11.

Note also that producing the birth contour output files needed for nestcheck analysis using MultiNest requires v3.11 or later, and using PolyChord requires v1.14 or later and the setting “write_dead”=True (its default value).


You can run the test suite with nose. From the root nestcheck directory, run:


To also get code coverage information (this requires the coverage package), use:

nosetests --with-coverage --cover-erase --cover-package=nestcheck

If all the tests pass, the install should be working.